We already have the inspiration burning inside, and are fiercely passionate about living in an elevated way.

We want to succeed while upholding our standards, but the obstacles are numerous and formidable.

How can we remove the psychological roadblocks obstructing the path to this goal?

How can we harness the innate personality and roadmap of human nature to empower ourselves, and encourage ourselves to keep striving?

Just as a general studies the map of the battlefield before innovating a brilliant strategy, Segol plumbs the depths of the psyche to understand ourselves.

We all have a desire to grow and experience success. At the same time, we want to reconcile all the multifaceted aspects of our lives in a unified and harmonious way.

The goal of Segol is to delve into ourselves, and understand that
our identities as businessmen and our identities as yidden are
two sides of the same coin.

And while so many of us have assumed for so many years that
business success equals smartphone, we can shatter that myth
and explore new possibilities.

Segol calls together an elite battalion, those who yearn for
something deeper. There is no need to preach or convince- the
internal desire is already blazing bright.

Segol is here to form a detailed battle plan, empowering success
in this most worthy endeavor.

Together, we seek to understand ourselves.

Together, we ponder how to motivate and empower each other.

Together, we encourage everyone to keep striving as we uphold
our commitment in an ever-changing world.



It used to be assumed that smartphones were a prerequisite to a flourishing business. For so long, people shook their heads, sighed, and said לצורך פﬧנסה. Yet over the years, many made the decision to lead their businesses with a humble flip phone. It was this vision that sparked the formation of Segol in the spring of 2022, aptly named from the passuk והייﬨﬦ לי סגולה. Hundreds of heimishe businessmen in senior positions, from all across the spectrum of Yiddishkeit, have chosen to conduct a successful business smartphone free and joined the movement.

Segol was spearheaded by the very population it serves- heimishe businessmen in senior positions, who approached Rabbanim for guidance and דﬠﬨ ﬨוﬧה. By uniting those who combine business and ehrlichkeit, Segol is quietly creating a groundbreaking revolution, charting a new pathway to success without compromise. Segol members prove that it’s doable to have a flourishing smartphone-free business. Furthermore, seeing prominent entrepreneurs who have joined this elite group has a profound impact; only time will tell how many were inspired by witnessing this remarkable movement.

Segol reflects on various challenges faced by today’s heimishe business owners. Firstly, many feel that they must have a smartphone in order to succeed at business, yet Segol’s many participants have clearly proven otherwise. Secondly, those who have flip phones may have concerns about being seen as “less than” in the business world, but Segol justifiably raises the esteem and prestige of those who have taken this step.Thirdly, Segol has created awareness and raised the standard, thereby introducing a new goal to aspire to.

Segol participants have shared remarkable feedback. R’ Moshe Diamond, Commercial Loan Mortgage Officer explains, “The Segol tips lead to a smooth business, the likes of which aren’t found on social [media] platforms.” R’ Herschel Mehring, owner of a construction company, summed up Segol in the following manner, “Respect brings business, but it comes with a price tag. The Segol approach is an investment that sees returns.”

With the deep ratzon members all share, potential is boundless, as Segol continues to grow and thrive beyond all expectations.


December 2021

Moishe (Morris) Diamond of Meridian Capital and Shulem Langsam of Max Space
meet at a business meeting. There are those who express surprise that Mr. Diamond
is able to orchestrate multi-million dollar deals without a smartphone. This sparks an
energetic discussion about the possibility of conducting business smartphone-free.

January 2022

Shulem Langsam meets David Kaufman of Dart Media at a chasunah, and notices
that Mr. Kaufman does not use a smartphone, despite his position as CEO of a
prominent marketing company.

February 2022

Mr. Diamond, Mr. Langsam, Mr. Kaufman, meet with R’ Chaim Meir Fromowitz,
renowned askan and administrator of Mosdos Vien, along with several
acquaintances, numbering 10 in all. They explore options on how to reverse the
trend of heimishe businessmen owning smartphones, and seek to implement a
better way. Each member commits to contacting 5-7 friends.

February 2022

Segol's 10 original founders host the very first Segol Asifah at the Tarrytown Hotel in
NY with almost 100 participants, among them business leaders and many CEO's of
successful businesses. The consensus is reached that the time has come to strive for
more, no longer relying on a parnassah hetter. As senior businessmen, they feel a
responsibility to reverse the trend and prove that success without a smartphone is
possible. Segol is launched with the goal of encouraging and empowering each
other towards continued success without compromise.

April-July 2022

Segol hosts gatherings in Monsey, Monroe, Boro Park, and
Lakewood to spread awareness about Segol's mission.

July 2022

Segol now numbers over 1,000 members in Monsey, Monroe,
Boro Park, and Lakewood growing each day.


You can be part of the future by joining Segol or by hosting a
Segol event in your area!


Does the call resonate with you?
Be a part of it!


Segol is a way of life, a higher calling, living with יישוב הדעת and upholding one's
commitment to a smartphone-free life despite the inevitable obstacles.


  • Members proudly maintain a smartphone-free life within the business world.
  • Members share in Segol's vision, and freely publicize their involvement in Segol in order to inspire others.